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Product Datasheet of AWS Class E2209T1-4 Duplex Stainless Steel Flux cored wire (FCAW)

Product Overview:

E2209 flux cored wire is designed for welding duplex stainless steels. It offers excellent corrosion resistance, high strength, and good weldability. This wire is suitable for applications that require a balance of strength and toughness along with resistance to pitting and stress corrosion cracking.

Specifications :

  • Standard Compliance: AWS A5.22/ASME SFA 5.22: E2209T1-1/4 | E2209T0-1/4
  • EN ISO 17633-A : T 22 9 3 N L P C/M 2
    EN ISO 17633-A : T 22 9 3 N L P C/M 2
  • Available Forms:
    • Diameter: 1.2mm, 1.6mm (consult supplier for additional sizes)
    • Packaging: Spools of various weights
  • Shielding Gas: 75-80% Ar + 20-25% CO2, or 100% CO2

Chemical Composition (%):

Element Min Max
Carbon (C)0.020.04
Manganese (Mn)0.502.00
Silicon (Si)0.501.00
Phosphorus (P)0.00x0.03
Sulfur (S)0.000.02
Chromium (Cr)21.023.5
Nickel (Ni)8.510.5
Molybdenum (Mo)2.53.5
Copper (Cu)0.000.75
Nitrogen (N)0.080.20
Iron (Fe)Balance

Mechanical Properties

Property Value
Tensile Strength750 - 900 MPa
Yield Strength≥ 500 MPa
Elongation ≥ 25%
Impact Toughness (Charpy V)≥ 50 J (at -40°C)
Hardness (HB) 250 - 300 HB
Ferrite Content 25-35% (as welded)

Applications :

  • Oil and Gas Industry: Piping systems, pressure vessels, and offshore structures.
  • Chemical and Petrochemical Plants: Equipment exposed to corrosive chemicals.
  • Marine Environments: Shipbuilding and repair, especially for parts in contact with seawater.
  • Pulp and Paper Industry: Equipment subjected to corrosive chemicals and high temperatures.
  • Power Generation: Components in nuclear and fossil fuel power plants requiring high strength and corrosion resistance.
  • Structural Components: Applications requiring high strength and corrosion resistance, such as bridges and buildings

Storage and Handling

  • Storage:
    • Store in a dry, enclosed environment.
    • Keep away from moisture and contaminants.
    • Maintain original packaging until use to protect from contamination.
  • Handling:
    • Handle with clean gloves to avoid contamination.
    • Avoid physical damage to the wire during handling and installation.
  • Pre-welding:
    • Ensure the workpiece is clean and free from oil, grease, and other contaminants.
    • Use a suitable cleaning solvent if necessary.
  • Welding:
    • Follow recommended welding parameters and techniques.
    • Use appropriate shielding gas as specified.
    • Ensure proper ventilation in the welding area to avoid inhaling fumes.
  • Post-welding:
    • Inspect welds for defects and ensure they meet required specifications.
    • Perform any necessary post-weld heat treatment as specified for the application.

Manufacturers/Brands and their Product/Trade Name:

Brand Product Name
ESAB / ExatonExaton E2209T1-4/1
BOHLERFOXcore 2209-T0/ FOXcore 2209-T1 / FOXcore 2209-T1 HD
LincolnSupercore™ 2205P
DaikoE2209T0-4 / E2209T1-4
Welding Alloys WA TUB SS 2209
WB AlloysWB62293L / WB62293LP

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AWS Class E2209T1-1/4 | E2209T0-1/4 Super Duplex Stainless Flux-cored wire, E 2209 type, high-alloyed, duplex stainless, flat and horizontal positions, mix shielding gas, Flux-cored wire, E 2209 type, high-alloyed, duplex stainless, all welding position, Flux-cored wire, E 2209 type, high-alloyed, duplex stainless, all welding position, mix shielding gas, down to -50°C supplier in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Al Ain, Rak, Fujairah UAE, Oman, Saudi Arabia (KSA), Qatar, Kuwait & Bahrain